Love Beyond Counting



Love Beyond Counting

Bible in a Year :

I have loved you with an everlasting love.

Jeremiah 31:3

Today's Scripture and Insight: :Jeremiah 31:1–6

“How do I love you? Let me count the ways.” Those words from Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese are among the best-known poetry in the English language. She wrote them to Robert Browning before they were married, and he was so moved that he encouraged her to publish her entire collection of poems. But because the language of the sonnets was very tender, out of a desire for personal privacy, Barrett published them as if they were translations from a Portuguese writer.

Sometimes we can feel awkward when we openly express affection for others. But the Bible, by contrast, doesn’t hold back on its presentation of God’s love. Jeremiah recounted God’s affection for His people with these tender words: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness” (Jeremiah 31:3). Even though His people had turned away from Him, God promised to restore them and personally draw them near. “I will come to give rest to Israel,” he told them (v. 2).

Jesus is the ultimate expression of God’s restorative love, giving peace and rest to anyone who turns to Him.  From the manger to the cross to the empty tomb, He’s the personification of God’s desire to call a wayward world to Himself. Read the Bible cover to cover, and you’ll “count the ways” of God’s love over and over; but eternal as they are, you’ll never come to their end.

By:  James Banks

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One response to “Love Beyond Counting”
  1. Jevilyn Serrano Avatar
    Jevilyn Serrano

    That’s such a beautiful sentiment! Love is indeed immeasurable and boundless. It’s one of those things that just grows the more you give it. 💕

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