God’s Transforming Word



You have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 3:15

Today’s Scripture & Insight :2 Timothy 3:10–17

When Kristin wanted to buy a special book for Xio-Hu, her Chinese husband, the only one she could find in Chinese was a Bible. Although neither of them was a believer in Christ, she hoped he would appreciate the gift anyway. At first sight of the Bible, he was angry, but eventually he picked it up. As he read, he became persuaded by the truth in its pages. Upset at this unforeseen development, Kristin started to read the Scriptures in order to refute Xio-Hu. To her surprise, she also came to faith in Jesus through being convinced by what she read.

The apostle Paul knew the transforming nature of Scripture. Writing from prison in Rome, he urged Timothy, whom he mentored, to “continue in what you have learned” because “from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures” (2 Timothy 3:14–15). In the original language, the Greek for “continue” has the sense of “abide” in what the Bible reveals. Knowing that Timothy would face opposition and persecution, Paul wanted him to be equipped for the challenges; he believed his protégé would find strength and wisdom in the Bible as he spent time pondering its truth.

God through His Spirit brings Scripture alive to us. As we dwell in it, He changes us to be more like Him. Even as He did with Xio-Hu and Kristin.

By:  Amy Boucher Pye

Reflect & Pray

How have you been changed through spending time reading and pondering the Bible? When have the Scriptures come alive to you?

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One response to “God’s Transforming Word”
  1. Bro Ronald Avatar
    Bro Ronald

    Marami kaming copy ng bible sa bahay. Nakatago. Minsan lang gamitin. Pero sinasabi ko na Christian ako. At sa aking pagkaunawa, sa bible natin makukuha ang mga sagot ng Panginoon sa atin. Bakit ba ang hirap hakbangan na buksan ang bible? Mas higit tayong naglalaan ng panahon sa ibang bagay. Telling the world “I am a Christian” is not really acceptable, but professing “Lord, I am Yours and I will follow You” will make Jesus happy.

    Paano naman tayo susunod kung hindi natin alam ang Kanyang salita? Dapat para totally mag transform tayo to be “follower of Jesus”, dapat mag-aral tayo ng Kanyang salita at isabuhay.

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