Sharing Excitement for Christ



Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.

Romans 12:11

Today’s Scripture & Insight :Romans 12:9–16

The first time we met our neighbor Henry, he pulled a well-worn Bible out of a bag he’d been carrying. Eyes sparkling, he asked if we’d like to discuss Scripture. We nodded, and he flipped to some highlighted passages. He showed us a notebook full of his observations and said he’d also created a computer presentation full of other related information.

Henry went on to tell us how he’d come from a difficult family situation and then, alone and at his worst, he accepted Jesus’ death and resurrection as the foundation of his faith (Acts 4:12). His life had changed as the Spirit helped him follow the Bible’s principles. Although Henry had committed his life to God years ago, his enthusiasm was fresh and powerful.

Henry’s zeal inspired me—someone who’d walked with Jesus many years—to consider my spiritual passion. The apostle Paul wrote: “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11). That seems like a tall order, unless I’m allowing Scripture to nurture the kind of attitudes that reflect an ongoing thankfulness for all that Jesus has done for me.

Unlike the emotional highs and lows we experience in life, zeal for Christ comes from an ever-expanding relationship with Him. The more we learn about Him, the more precious He becomes and the more His goodness floods our souls and spills out into the world.

By:  Jennifer Benson Schuldt

Reflect & Pray

How do you think Jesus feels when He sees that you’re excited about Him? What’s the relationship between thankfulness and zeal?

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One response to “Sharing Excitement for Christ”
  1. Bro Ronald Avatar
    Bro Ronald

    There are instances that we are on heights on serving the Church, but then, when faced with troubles we tend to move away and stop serving. We lose the desire to serve. Are we really serving because we love Him? Or for other reasons? The Lord God loves us. He will bless us. And we should keep our desire to serve Him. Serving Him is an opportunity for all of us. Serving Him is for our own benefits, that we will find ourselves living the life of our Creator. Distractions are real, but let us all focus on Him. Together, let’s all be excited to preach the Word of God.

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