Church of Christ at San Antonio, Cavite City


Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Arnaldo of San Francisco, Malabon, Cavite, and Eliceria Villava from Ermita, Manila, went to San Antonio to sow the word of God in 1907. They converted many, and among them were Maria Borja, Pedro Bernal, and Luis Javier.

After several years, Pedro Bernal and Luis Javier were elected preachers. They were able to convert fifty-six (56) souls until the church moved to Dos Voca, Caridad, Cavite. Through the effort of Bro. Eusebio Lizarde and the brethren were able to build a chapel in 1909.

But the chapel was too small for the growing number of brethren, and so one more chapel was built on Marino Street in 1910. Leoncio Bernal and Martin Villasenor were the elders at that time. Worship service was held every Sunday afternoon under the leadership of the first two elders and some brethren.

In the year 1912, Brother Mariano Capalad and Fabian Crisostomo served as church elders.

After the worship service was transferred to different places in the year 1920, the chapel was temporarily built at M. Gregorio Street.

Bro. Mateo Noble and his family arrived to serve the Lord in

1921; they converted many souls committed to Christ. The church building was again transferred to R. Basa in 1922. Church service was held in that place for five (5) years, then moved again to Mascardo Street, which lasted for more than five (5) years.

Bro. Gabriel Feliciano donated some materials for the church building, which was erected at M. Gregorio Street, corner Arcedera, where it is at present. From 1922 until 1934, a number of preachers contributed to the propagation of the word; they were:. Felino Orlina, Anselmo Bertucio, Buenaventura Arieta, Ben Allison, Leslie Wolfe, and Bro. Juan L. Baronia. These preachers had accomplished various achievements for the church’s progress. These include Christian Endeavor, Young People’s Group, and other church activities.

In 1923, the Christian Youth Association was organized; as the years passed, it was changed to “Kapisanan Kabataang Kristiano.”.

In 1934, Bro. Armando Litao was the preacher, and the church’s attendance during this time was more or less eighty (80) brethren. During this year, he was chosen to be the minister of the new church at Malabon, Cavite, and Pasong Camachile, where he was used as an instrument by God to establish a new congregation with the help of San Antonio Church elders Julian Cabug and Luis Pagtakhan and other members who went with him in his evangelism in these two places. Many brethren extended their help. Some of them were:

Valeriano Gonzales, Honorato Cabug, Gabriel Feliciano, Simon Reyes, Vicente Capalad, Severino Gonzales, Luz Noble, Antonio Pagtakhan, Luz Cabug, Francisco Delfin, Flaviana Calderon, Gloria Feliciano, Edilberto Rodriguez, Benjamin Cabug, Agapito Canlas, Salvador Pagtakhan, Jr., Dolores Feliciano, Lydia Reyes, Isabel Reyes, Graciano Gonzales, Edgardo Marcelo, Luis Pagtakhan, Jr., Evelyn Garcia. He worked until 1941.

In 1935, Bro. Valeriano Gonzales and Simon Reyes were sent to lead the services at Malabon, Gen. Trias, and two other churches at Pasong Camachile and Pasong Kawayan. Through their devoted service, the members of Malabon, Gen. Trias, became very active.

As the years went by, the members of San Antonio stood strong in their faith and continued serving our Lord. In 1953, the church held an evangelical crusade wherein two (2) souls were baptized. Bro. Lamberto Roque was sent to help the church in 1954. During which time he labored with the young people’s group and converted many souls for the church’s progress. He always visited brethren from house to house, together with elders and deacons. The brethren who often missed church services were revived. Through God’s will and his evangelism, several souls were baptized and continued in their faith. An organ was donated by Chaplain Myrose of the Sangley Point Charity Carnival on February 6, 1956. The officers during this period were the following: Arcadio Gonzales and Edgardo Marcelo, evangelists; Idelfonso Buquirin and Luis Pagtakhan, elders; Antonio Pagtakhan, Jr.; Julian Cabug, deacons; Adelaida Andrade and Esther Buquirin, first woman helpers; Evelyn Garcia, secretary; Aurora Pagtakhan and Honorato Cabug, Bible teachers; and Conching de Pagtakhan, treasurer; Julian Cabug, superintendent of Bible School. Sis. Ramona Canlas was the first organist of the church, followed by Sis. Isabel Reyes and Sis. Adelaida Andrade-Rodriguez.

Sis. Maria Macadaan was the first to teach the choir, followed by Sis. Adelaida Malibuan Oliveria. The Woman Organization, Dorcas, has been established since the beginning of the church, helping all activities, beautification, and charity work in and out of the church. They also went with the ministers, elders, and deacons for personal evangelism and visitation. Sis. Ramona Canlas became the President of Dorcas from 1963–1964, followed by Sis. Aurora Pagtakhan from 1965–1970. The organization was very successful and had 41 (41) members.

From then on, the organization did not hold elections, but the members continued to help with church activities. Sis. Ederlinda R. Espinoza revived the organization and became president.

On May 17–June 2, 1960, the church held “INSTITUTO BIBLICO” to open the minds and prepare the young believers for the ministry of the church and to strengthen their faith. This was led by Bro. Bien Formales, Bro. Eddie Rodriguez and Bro. Lamberto Roque and attended by more than 38 youths from San Antonio and Caridad.

On May 31, 1961, an evangelism crusade was held to reach and bring souls to Christ.

The San Antonio Choir first sang at the radio station in Intramuros. “Ang Tinig ng Katotohanan,” headed by Bro. Lamberto P.

Roque, Bro. Rogelio Abueg, Jr., and Sis. Maria Macadaan in 1962.

Senior Church choir as the pioneer choir joined the 100

Voices in Convention was held in Olongapo City together with some other churches, so with the Manila Bible Seminary Choir headed by Bro. Constancio Oliveria.

In the year 1967, brothers from San Antonio and Caridad agreed to have a joint fellowship every Holy Week and during Sunday worship once a month. San Antonio Church continued to proclaim and spread the gospel, and so in 1968, with the help of Bro. Bien Formales, Bro. Albano and Bro. Commandante.

A personal evangelism was held during Holy Week services and continued a joint crusade with Caridad on March 30–April 6, 1969.

In 1973, the church held its two-week Christian Leadership Seminar. The teachers are Bro. Vicente Capalad, Bro.

Simon Reyes, Bro. Ruben Jimenez, sis. Ederlinda Rodriguez and Sis. Tessie Cocoba.

Between 1983 and 1984, Bro. Dough Williams, an Australian missionary, went to San Antonio to sow the word of God by having a week of evangelistic crusades held in the church. Several souls were baptized; most of them are young.

In 1988, several activities were held to sustain the financial needs of the church; some of these activities were the gospel concert and sacrificial dinner at Montano Hall and the concert for a cause, which featured one of the most talented singing groups of Churches of Christ, the Sharim Haadhon Singers of the Lord. In 2003, the proceeds were used for gifts to our less fortunate brethren.

The Church of Christ at San Antonio did not stop its ministry for the Lord but continued to proclaim the gospel, reach out, search for more souls, and bring them to the Lord with the help of several committed church workers and ministers. An evangelical crusade was successfully held on March 17–18, 2001, and May 20–24, 2002.

To understand and know more about the responsibility and importance of church ministry, a leadership training and seminar were successfully held in February 2003.

At present, the church continues its service to the Lord by holding regular activities like Sisterhood every Tuesday (via Google Meet), Prayer Meeting every Wednesday, Young Professional every Thursday (via Google Meet), and Young Worshipper every Friday. (via Google Meet) The Sunday worship service is continuously held in the church at exactly 8:00 in the morning. Due to the effects of the pandemic, many activities and fellowships are held in a virtual space. But the Church of Christ at San Antonio is pursuing face-to-face fellowship in its original state.

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