Meet Our Church Board

Welcome to our Church Board, a dedicated group of leaders committed to guiding our faith community. With wisdom, vision, and a heart for service, they collaborate to make informed decisions, nurture spiritual growth, and ensure the flourishing of our church family

Robert Gludo

Chairman of the Board

Church Elder

Robert is currently the Chairman of the Board for the Church of Christ at San Antonio. He is also the Chairman in the upcoming Concert for a cause for the church building. As a profession, Robert is a Software Developer for more than 20 years.

Fernando De Jesus

Church Elder

Fernando is the Church Choir conductor, that leads a heavenly music that praising the Lord. He is also an Elder that focus on operational activities inside the church.

Rhamir Fajardo

Church Elder

For the pandemic era, Rhamir was the former Chairman that responsible for giving aid and food packs for the whole family in the Church of San Antonio. He is also an Elder and former adviser for the youth.

Frederick Lubag

Church Elder

Rhick is one of the respective church elder of San Antonio Church. He is also the Head committee for the Fisher Ministry. The Fisher Ministry is the evangelism ministry in the church that focus on sharing the gospel inside and outside of the church

Romulo Gonzales

Church Elder

For many years, Romy was one of the Elders of the church that focus on maintaining good and peace inside and outside the church. He is also the head in the Budget ministry.

Ronald Soriano

Church Elder

For the year 2024, Ronald was newly appointed as an Elder of the church. For multiple years, Ronald served as a deacon to the church and currently giving message from the Lord in the pulpit.

Axel Lubag

Church Deacon

For his young Age, Axel served and have commitment to the Lord as youth leader. Right now He is actively a Deacon of the church and adviser for the Young Worshipper or the youth.

Nelson Melo

Church Deacon

Despite of always out of the country due to his current work, Nelson’s commitment as a church Deacon proves leadership and enthusiastic commitment whenever he is back from work. His commitment to guide the youth and gives spiritual wisdom to his breathren is incomparable.

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